People who love cooking equip themselves with the right kitchen appliances to ensure they make proper preparations. Having the right countertop cleaning agent in the kitchen is a reasonable consideration also at large. In the kitchen, different foods are often prepared, and some can make countertops messy, and others do not. Recipes like salad and cheese don’t get these surfaces dirty, but then, for the case of the deep-fried chicken, expect everything to be messy. Thus, getting the right kitchen countertop cleaner is best to ensure everything maintains its original look. Oven cleaners are among the kitchen must-have cleaning agents at large, but then, are they right for cleaning kitchen countertops?
You need to get an idea of the material the cleaners will work well before you try it on your shiny surface. By this, you will reduce the chances of harming your countertop laminate and so many other things. Oven cleaners offer excellent cleaning abilities, and it has tremendously gained popularity in the world at large. But then, are these cleaners safe for use on the countertops? Herein you will have a clear idea concerning oven cleaners.
What is an oven cleaner?
The name itself states right what this product is. An oven cleaner is a potent chemical agent used to remove stubborn dripping and stains off. Scrubbing the walls of ovens is no longer the way this is done, oven cleaners have eased the process. Those who worry when used frying pan splatter screen should now worry less as cleaning of these has been made easy. With just a gentle rub over the walls, everything would have gone off. Even if cleaning of the oven walls is now easy, the bottom inside takes elbows grease to function here.
People have often tried removing baked mess on the floor of the oven using a dishwasher soap and water, but then they find it not easy to do it. For this reason, oven cleaners come at hand at cleaning the dirty oven. Be it juices, drippings, grease, and debris; the oven cleaner has strong chemicals that will easily wipe off all the mess with just a few rubs. Those who love cooking can make their delicious preparations worrying less about spending time cleaning their ovens.
Why oven cleaners are the best at cleaning
The strong chemicals in the oven cleaners are what make them stand as the best cleaning agents. If you try spraying the agent over oil or grease, you will note some bubbling reaction. This is what pulls the oil and grease from the oven walls to allow you easily wipe them off. Additionally, these cleaners are alkaline that helps at loosening all forms of dirt that might be trapped in the surface. This is a chemical reaction that has made cleaning as easy than before. Apart from the removal of stubborn particles, these cleaners will leave the surfaces shiny all through.
Are oven cleaners the right kitchen countertop cleaners?
Oven cleaners have excellent cleaning abilities making them among the top kitchen countertop cleaners in the list. However, in reality, these cleaners can be the wrong choice to be used in cleaning kitchen countertops. The chemicals that are best for cleaning ovens are, at the same time, not the best when dealing with shiny countertops. At the initial stages, you will not all dirt, grease, coffee stains, and oil disappearing from your kitchen countertop. But with time, you will realize that it wasn’t a good idea anymore, cleaning the kitchen countertop at all. The shiny nature of your countertop will go away even if you try doing this several times ago.
Oven cleaners are not the ideal agents for kitchen countertop cleaning; be either the countertop is made of stainless steel, tiles, or any other material. Th341e strong oven cleaner chemicals gain penetration to the shiny layer of your wooden countertop to make it soft and even look gluier. If the countertop is made of tiles, the oven cleaner chemicals will tend to eat away the coating and also largely damage grout. Oven cleaners are also not best on stainless steel kitchen countertops since the surface will be left with ugly stains and marks instead of cleaning it. So, we conclude by saying that oven cleaners aren’t the best for your beautiful countertop.
Effect of oven cleaners on kitchen countertops
Oven cleaners have toxic chemicals present in them that are both bad to you and your kitchen countertop. These chemicals tend to remain on the kitchen countertop for some time after usage. They will later mix with all foods resting on these surfaces leading to potential health risks on your body.
Those who have used these cleaners before will tell you of some of the smelled odd gas that often comes from the solution. The gas is hydrogen, and it’s highly flammable, especially when they come into contact with aluminium. There are also chances of discolouring the metal surface, and you will be required to replace it over time.
Other chemicals such as Iye usually work badly to wear off the protective layer of your kitchen countertop. The chemical badly damage vinyl, granite, and also quartz material countertops to leave them lifeless.
Oven cleaners tend to trigger body allergies if inhaled or swallowed. So it’s best to avoid using them to prevent them from getting into contact with food places on kitchen countertops.
These cleaners are caustic. For these reasons, users are often advised wearing thick plastic gloves to put you off from skin irritation.
Oven cleaners emit strong fumes that might make you feel light-headed, nauseous, or, in some cases, lead you into migraines. The fumes can also irritate the eyes; therefore, it’s better to wear protective eyewear before spraying the solution.
You have learned about the composition of oven cleaners, and you have all the reasons for avoiding them on the kitchen countertops. But then, there are different oven cleaners in the market, and not all these cleaners are full of chemicals. Several natural cleaners in the market will effectively work on your countertop. Use safe kitchen countertop cleaners to give you an extended period of service.
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