How to Choose Kitchen Tiles

Decorating your kitchen or bathroom with the best quality & stylish tiles is very important. There are so many things that you need to know before selecting your kitchen tiles.
Decorating your kitchen or bathroom with the best quality & stylish tiles is very important. There are so many things that you need to know before selecting your kitchen tiles.

Decorating your kitchen or bathroom with the best quality & stylish tiles is very important. There are so many things that you need to know before selecting your kitchen tiles. The shape of your kitchen can be different from other rooms. So you can’t use the same design tiles for the kitchen depending on the activity & decoration purpose.

Within a little area room, we need to keep many kinds of furniture & electrical appliances also. Based on the appliances traffic we also need to select the tile size & layout. Cutting different types of fish, vegetables & pasting spices can easily stain on the kitchen floor or can damage it. Installing tiles in your kitchen makes it easy to maintain, like an easy cleaning process, long-lasting, simple design & keep the room cool.

Though the installation of tiles is cost-effective that is why it is durable than the other materials. You can also use various designs depending on the type of place like the sink, cabinet, washer palace & others. The most effective thing is to use the tiles like a backsplash on your kitchen wall. This is really a fun part right now.

How to Choose Kitchen Tiles

Tips for Choosing Kitchen Tiles

This is very important to check out the place where you are going to set your tiles. Depending on the background furniture & others you should also select your tiles. When it comes to kitchen tiles then it will be a more important task for you. Area range, cabinet part, floor type size & structure all are very important to choose kitchen tiles. So I would like to recommend you follow our below tips for having a good experience of selecting kitchen tiles.

Where to apply

The kitchen space can be a little bit different than the other rooms. So make a clear concept of where you are going to install these tiles. Check the surface of that free space, is it ok to install these tiles? The underside of your upper cabinet, backsplash behind your stove or on the wall. To cover those places tiles are the best option for us. Any other materials can not be more compatible than tiles. That is why Tiles are the popular countertop material for your kitchen floor.

Depending on lifestyle

We should also think about our day to day lifestyle. When you will select your tiles then keep in mind that for which portion you are taking these tiles. All of the family members’ lifestyles are not the same. Tiles for walls & tiles for the floor are not the same. So the size & style can be different. If you also have any pet animal then it can also cratch or the traffic of heavy materials then cleaning supplies should be also checked. The COF of the wall tile will be very low so it will be more slippery than other tiles. There also have some straight raised pattern tiles which will be also useful for those who have little children.

Size & layout

Tiles size can be different according to the design. If you have a wide area kitchen area then you can choose large shape tiles. But if the kitchen area is smaller then you should select all small design tiles which will be well fitted for your kitchen. Or the design will not be completed. Large size tiles will also give you a space look. So make sure that the selected design tiles can be finished in that same range. An unfinished design will give you an unfinished look.

Budget Calculation

Based on your tile design the price per square ft will be also different. Natural Stone Tiles, granite, marble, limestone, travertine, slate all price range are not the same. Those all not suitable for your surface. So take a little survey then fix which type of tiles are best suitable for your budget range. Two or three types of tiles can be appropriate for your kitchen surface but the price range may be low or high. So finalize first the targeted price range then calculate the number according to the per square feet. Ceramic tiles can be an affordable choice for you.

Limit tiles backsplash

The gaps between your kitchen furniture can be a little gap. So all types of materials will bot look so comfortable or adjustable according to the cabinet or backsplashes. You can not use any type of hard materials or woody things to cover them. So the best option is tiling. According to the similar colour backsplashes, you can arrange different category tiles. Ideally, you can install them simultaneously. This is the fact behind sinks or the countertop of your cabinet. By doing all the nice decorations you can not leave this portion without finishing. Tiles can help you to protect this functional purpose.


When you are selecting tiles for your room then you should think about durability. In that sense, you can keep Porcelain or Ceramic at the top of the list of durability. Both of these tiles are of the best among others. Don’t be confused about which one is perfect for your floor. To check the refreshment & natural looks.

If you find Porcelain it will give you a stony or concrete or wooden look. Porcelain is made with refined clay that’s why you can feel a harder construction of it. non Porcelain is less glassy & Porcelain is more grassy & durable. So you can choose from these glazy or unglazed ones. The difference is unglazed has coloured the over thickness & the other hand-glazed one has coloured on the top only.


Color is a big issue while you are selecting your kitchen tiles. They have different color materials all around like cabinets, walls, backsplashes, with other places. So you should obviously select the color of the tiles by considering these materials’ looks. According to the color contrast, you can feel a relaxing setup. You should select a color that can be blended with the background easily. The best thing is to use a low color contest that can give you a wide feeling and also help to overlook the scratch on the walls of other furniture. So, to feel a changing atmosphere you should head on this topic also.


If the texture of a tile stays plain then it will be slippery after some days. But taking tiles with deep texter design can help you to avoid slippery accidents. It can save your child to do unwanted accident. You can cover up that place which has the possibility to become slippery with some high design texture tiles. For that purpose, you can choose a different design texture for different portions of your kitchen. It can be different for the sink portion then cabinet gaps, sink drain line portion, and others.

Tile Materials

Tiles are usually a thin object which can be in different shapes like rectangular, square, or other design shapes. The using materials can be baked clay. Glass or ceramic which are used to cover our floor walls and other objects. Tiling stone, granite, onyx, marble, or slate generally used to create tiles. There are two kinds of materials, one can create the tiles shiny or glazy & the other will not create that glassy look. We can use that unglazed tiles for the roof covering & the glazy tiles for wall & floor covering.

Tile Trends

Among all of the things, there must be a trendy or popular product. Nothing different at the time of choosing the best tile design for your kitchen floor or walls. According to our market research, we have collected some trendy tiles’ names. Here they are_

  • Geometric tiles of Natural Stone
  • Wood-look Tiles
  • Patterned Tiles
  • Mosaics tiles for floor
  • Terracotta Design
  • Alternative Subway Tiles

To make a lovely kitchen design with tiles you can apply those all trendy tiles. The person who is quite conscious about contemporary trends & also likes to maintain a traditional or modern lifestyle then obviously he will like these tiles list.

Cleaning procedure

Before choosing any kitchen tile make sure that the cleaning procedure is really very easy & comfortable for you. Loose herbs or debris can change the look after some days so you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean these regularly.

If you think that you don’t have enough time to clean these tiles every day then you can select the large shape tiles to avoid the problems of the gap between one tile to another tile. Tiny size high dexter will be more difficult to clean every day. For the busy working place or floor, you should use the plain type large shape tiles. That will reduce the daily cleaning hazards.

Final verdict

Choosing your kitchen tiles is all about your personal thinking. So you should decide first which method you want to apply to select the best category tiles for your kitchen. Basically you need some technical & constructional knowledge to choose the best one. We would like to find out your thrilling choice according to your lifestyle.

Here we have given you a complete guide to remodeling your kitchen floor, walls, and other portions. To get a complete interior design of kitchen tiles will help you. It can make your desired design. And it’s easy to maintain with a great look. So don’t waste your time, just follow our kitchen tiles buying guide before you select your kitchen tiles.